I've never been the girl who wants to travel to far away lands to save the world. I admire and respect my Peace Corps friends, but it's not for me. I have always seen the need within our own country/state and most recently, city. Back when my plan was to be Miss USA or Miss America, I had big plans for literacy on a national level. It could have been amazing but I chose a different path. After becoming a mother my focus became my little community. What was I going to do for my children and the tiny humans around them? I believe in being involved. In the power of participating in planning things that don't yet exist and the power to change things that can be improved. I feel like it's a waste of time and energy to complain about something and not do anything to change it. I also think it's counterproductive to the people who ARE trying to do something.
Over the years I have had people tell me I'm young and naive when it comes to politics and change. That as I get older I will "understand" more and realize the reality of things. When will that be? 35? 40? 50? I'm starting to feel it more and more and I hate that. I don't think I'm naive, I think I'm hopeful. I have faith in the idea that people want what's best for their fellow men. I don't love the fact that everything is political. Seriously. We live in a world where you have to move heaven and earth to implement a small change or new idea. That's just crazy. I wish we could stop worrying about who could potentially be offended and just make decisions that help the greatest number of people at any given time.
Last night I had an experience that rattled me. It absolutely blindsided me and threw me for a loop. I thought about it all night and ultimately how I was going to let it effect me. I couldn't understand how someone could be so unkind and accusatory to someone they had never met. I was stunned. After sleeping on it, I have come to the following conclusion. This would become a defining moment in my life. A moment where I could decide to keep pressing forward in the cause I believe in. Or... I could pack it up and head home. I have decided I'm stronger than that. I am strong enough to know I will not let other people define me or tell me what I am capable of.
Last night I had an experience that rattled me. It absolutely blindsided me and threw me for a loop. I thought about it all night and ultimately how I was going to let it effect me. I couldn't understand how someone could be so unkind and accusatory to someone they had never met. I was stunned. After sleeping on it, I have come to the following conclusion. This would become a defining moment in my life. A moment where I could decide to keep pressing forward in the cause I believe in. Or... I could pack it up and head home. I have decided I'm stronger than that. I am strong enough to know I will not let other people define me or tell me what I am capable of.
I have always believed I could change the world. Over the years I have modified the sphere of change, but never abandoned it. Right now, in this moment, my little sphere is in Madison. I'm not trying to end world hunger. I just want to help the 225,000 have a successful childhood. I want the 225,000 be fed, educated and happy. I want them to dream. I want them to have a solid understanding that they too can change the world. The grumpy, jaded people are entitled to their opinion. Everyone is. I refuse to let them ruin MY passion, MY excitement and MY knowledge that I can have a positive impact. It's my little corner of the world and I'm not going to give up.
I completely stand behind your attitude--optimism and passion is not the same as naivety! I also wanted to mention that wanting to travel far and wide to change the world, and wanting to make your little sphere a better place, are not mutually exclusive!