Friday, October 14, 2011

Power to Change the World

I've never been the girl who wants to travel to far away lands to save the world. I admire and respect my Peace Corps friends, but it's not for me. I have always seen the need within our own country/state and most recently, city. Back when my plan was to be Miss USA or Miss America, I had big plans for literacy on a national level. It could have been amazing but I chose a different path. After becoming a mother my focus became my little community. What was I going to do for my children and the tiny humans around them? I believe in being involved. In the power of participating in planning things that don't yet exist and the power to change things that can be improved. I feel like it's a waste of time and energy to complain about something and not do anything to change it. I also think it's counterproductive to the people who ARE trying to do something.

Over the years I have had people tell me I'm young and naive when it comes to politics and change. That as I get older I will "understand" more and realize the reality of things. When will that be? 35? 40? 50? I'm starting to feel it more and more and I hate that. I don't think I'm naive, I think I'm hopeful. I have faith in the idea that people want what's best for their fellow men. I don't love the fact that everything is political. Seriously. We live in a world where you have to move heaven and earth to implement a small change or new idea. That's just crazy. I wish we could stop worrying about who could potentially be offended and just make decisions that help the greatest number of people at any given time.

Last night I had an experience that rattled me. It absolutely blindsided me and threw me for a loop. I thought about it all night and ultimately how I was going to let it effect me. I couldn't understand how someone could be so unkind and accusatory to someone they had never met. I was stunned. After sleeping on it, I have come to the following conclusion. This would become a defining moment in my life. A moment where I could decide to keep pressing forward in the cause I believe in. Or... I could pack it up and head home. I have decided I'm stronger than that. I am strong enough to know I will not let other people define me or tell me what I am capable of.

I have always believed I could change the world. Over the years I have modified the sphere of change, but never abandoned it. Right now, in this moment, my little sphere is in Madison. I'm not trying to end world hunger. I just want to help the 225,000 have a successful childhood. I want the 225,000 be fed, educated and happy. I want them to dream. I want them to have a solid understanding that they too can change the world. The grumpy, jaded people are entitled to their opinion. Everyone is. I refuse to let them ruin MY passion, MY excitement and MY knowledge that I can have a positive impact. It's my little corner of the world and I'm not going to give up.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pie Pops {Project #6}

Sent with love from Yahoo! Mail on Android

I finally got around to making pie pops.  They were super easy and quick to do.  Much less time consuming than the pie in a jar.  I didn't think they were nearly as tasty though.  Verdict: I would do it again for someone else.  Someone who loved crust.  It would be good for teacher appreciation or something similar to that.  It's definitely less intense than cake balls!

Playing new games {#32 on the list}

Sent with love from Yahoo! Mail on Android

Dear Valerie,
    Thanks for bringing all the fun new games.  We can't wait to try them all.  Come visit again soon!

Cars 2 {#28 on the list}

Sent with love from Yahoo! Mail on Android

MONTHS ago we were anticipating the movie.  Somewhere along the way Andersen was promised we would go opening day.  So we went.  All 10 of us.  It was a good night.

Review: WAY better than the first movie.  It was a seriously action packed/suspenseful/spy movie.  I can't wait til it comes out on video and we can host a viewing party with Cars 2 mac n cheese, apple slices and juice boxes! 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bojo at the Splash Park

I know you loved the previous post.  Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, here's a post with pics starring Bojo! Why does he get a post of his own?  He's just so cute.

There's something about Bojo running that captivates me.

I think I love to watch him because his emotions and reactions are so pure.

He was reveling in straight bliss and it was a joy to watch.

Happy.  Free. 

The turtle fascinates him.

Then he loses interest and runs for a quick snack...

...but he doesn't stay long because he has things to do.

He's busy this boy.  I love when he turns around to make sure I'm watching him.  Love.  Him.

Splash Park {#8 on the list}

*Disclaimer* Blogger used to upload all my pics backwards.  Who knew it would start doing them the right way?  I'm too lazy to go back and redo it, so enjoy the pics in reverse order.  Cue: The Lazy Song.
WI Parks are beautiful.

The children playing in the sand.  I have an aversion to sand that's not on a real beach.  Even then I'm not so much a fan.

Alex and Alex plotting their plan of attack.

I love when this boy says, "Mom! Take my picture."

Maddie and the littles.  What you can't see is that they're standing on one of the water shoots.  They were holding on to each other just waiting for the water to come out.  I think the anticipation almost killed them.

Such cute girls!

Madi, Gracie and Coco

This kid cracks me up.  I kinda love him a lot.

I love this show.  Grace and Madi are clearly communicationg important information.  Alex is running full speed and Coco's just chilling.  LOVE it!

more cute girls


More super cute girls.  I love this shot because there's three of them.  Most times three is a horrible number for girls.  Today it was golden.

My Gracie Girl

Madi love

Miss Coco

I was really glad the weather reports were only partially correct.  We stayed until the heavens opened and poured down on us.  The Splash Park is always a fun place to go because the kids can play in the water, sand or on the playground.  It was a great way to spend the first official day of summer!

Judy Moody {#3 on the list}

We went to see this movie the day school got out.  I'm not sure if our expectations were too high or if the movie really was a little disappointing.  (Angie and Nicole weren't big fans either.)  I had high hopes for it and was going to use it as the springboard into summer.  It was cute but not what I was expecting.  The little girls loved so I guess it's all that matters.  It was the first official thing we crossed off our "50 days of summer fun" list.  I love that the kids can grasp the number 50.  By the end of the summer if we've crossed all 50 off our list it will be a major accomplishment!

Patriotic Cheesecake {Project #5}

I saw this on one of my crafty blogs yesterday and the girls decided we should make it.  I thought I took a picture of it once we cut it but it wasn't on my camera.  The "crust" layer is actually a brownie layer.  You bake the brownie layer and while it cools you make the cheesecake batter.  I poured half the batter on and divided the rest in two bowls.  We dyed them red and blue (a LOT of dye if you're using regular food coloring) and made alternating red and blue lines.  Then I took a knife and swirled them.  Um, yum.  It was tasty.  Seriously.  I was trying to decide why they said it should cool for three hours.  Claudia and I decided we needed to try it anyway.  We learned the three hours is for it to set.  Next time we'll wait longer.  It looks so pretty when it's sliced!!!  This one's definitely a keeper.


This is a full on "unnecessary not in the budget" purchase.  Yes I know I already have a picnic basket.  No it is not as cute as this.  This makes me happy.  The children loved opening the lid to get a snack while we were at the park today.  Happy kids+cute basket+first day of summer=happy me.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pork Fest!

I have an app for my phone called  It tells me all sorts of interesting things like when PORK FEST is.  Turns out you could do to a different "fest" every day in Wisconsin.
 I said, "Who wants to take a picture by the cow?"
Maddie said, "I think it's a pig."
Whatever,  It was black and white and we live in Wisconsin.
 Alex got an ice cream cone
 RJ got strawberry shortcake from one of the 4H groups

The main event.  Two pork chops, potato salad, applesauce, a roll and a drink. The pork chops might not look appealing but they were SO good.  Grilled pork chops=heaven.

The boys being silly.

Here's the review for Pork Fest: It was fantastic.  A million times smaller than Bratfest with a serious small town feel.  I felt like I was in the Hannah Montana movie.  It was the kind of thing you hear about, dream about and wonder if you could really experience it.  There was a really good band playing that Maddie and I could have listened to forever. The small children thought it was too loud.  We would definitely go back again.  Looks like Pork Fest is going to be an annual event!

I want this...

Why does Pottery Barn make things that I want but can't justify spending money on?  I am coveting this.  In a serious way.  It would look good on my island.  Dear Ryan, This would make a really good birthday present!  (Hint, Hint.)

Jul 6... It begins

32 days of 32

I'm going to celebrate me.  You're welcome to join me.

Don't forget... 32 days of 32... starting on July 6.  Let the good time roll!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Two Kisses for Maddy

On the first day of summer vacation I started this book.  I knew a little bit about his story from his blog so I should have been more prepared.  I was just a few pages in and I cried.  I cried and I cried and I cried.  We're talking the kind of tears that flow uncontrollably and seem to have no end.  It is so sad.  There is no happy ending in the "ride off into the sunset" sense.  It was a fulfilling ending.  Do NOT read this if you are pregnant.  I'm just saying.  However, if you are into REAL stories raw with emotion and struggles this is for you.  You can read more about him at  You can also order the book from his site.  I think it's safe to say book #2 will be on the lighter side.  :)  Happy Summer Reading!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

For Serious

"It's hard to accept not everything has a solution.  In Stacyland everything has a solution.  When things don't work out as they could or would it's hard for you to accept.  There are some things that happen in life that I can't change... and that sucks.  It takes time to let those things become ok." -Jen Lee

She is so smart.

Teacher letter cards {Project #4}

I thought it might be a good idea to start projects now that I'm going to want to use in the future.  I have a really bad habit of finding inspiration, bookmarking it and then never doing it.  (Or trying to do it at midnight the night before a holiday.)  In an effort to maintain my housekeeping duties during "busy season" next year I'll be crafting away this summer.  The Teacher Cards are my first example of that.  I have three sets cut and laminated so I can use them for the kids' teachers next year.  Hooray for being prepared!

Special Places Map {Project #3}

Sometimes (many times) I'm out and I find something that will "make a great project one day" and I buy it.  Honestly I probably do this way too often.  This little beauty has been in the depths of my scrappy pile for months.  It's about 1/4" deep and it's corkboard!  I thought it would be fun to use all the little sewing pins and mark the places we've been.  I didn't do that yet but I did utilize the pins that came with it.  The blue pins are places that are incredibly special to me.  Places my heart is.  {Tustin, CA, Rosarito Beach, Mexico and Gunnison, Co.}  The red pins are places we've been that I LOVED.   {White Sands, NM, Kearney, NE and St. Louis, MO}  The white pins are places I really want to go.  {Seattle, WA, Keystone, SD, Nashville, TN and Noel's house, New Jersey!}  Since I only had ten pins it forced me to really think about where I wanted to place them.  It's fun to look at when I'm sitting at my desk.  It reminds me of the amazing places I've been and the adventures waiting ahead... :)

Wildcat Summer Reading! {Project #2}

Dani needed a bookmark for her summer school kids.  I made one.  I like it. The end.

Happy Father's Day {Project #1}

Happy Father's Day to Ryan.  We love him.