Monday, May 28, 2012


...something makes your heart stop and smile.  You realize that all the daily garbage doesn't matter.  That in the end they are brothers.  They love each other.  The arguing, teasing and fighting is secondary to the love.  In those moments it becomes crystal clear that everything really is worth it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Talent Show auditions 2012.

Love these girls.  Whether they make it in the show or not, I am proud of them for trying.  Adding in another practice schedule in addition to all their activities was no small feat.  Commitment- they have it.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Must. Blog. Again.

I just realized it's been 7+ months since I've blogged.  That's horrible and I am so sad I have neglected my new blog.  (Especially since I started a new one.)  I was looking through a 2005 scrapbook and realized I was most happy when I was blogging, scrapbooking and journaling.  I'm going to start doing it again and I'm going to be more committed than ever.  Famous last words, right?  ;-)